
Your child is precious to you and precious to God. You want the very best for them, and so does God. You want them to make right choices in life, for themselves and for others. A christening is a sign that we want to respond to God and all that he offers us and our children. There are two types of christening service:
Thanksgiving is a simple and special service where we ask for God’s blessing and pray for your child. It is a great way to celebrate and give thanks for your children, even when you are still exploring the Christian faith yourself. It’s different from a baptism so read on to discover whether this is something to explore further with us.
Baptism is a more serious commitment in which parents promise they will bring up their children to know and live out the Christian faith. It’s an amazing thing to do for your children but you need to be sure you’re ready! That’s why we ask that you attend church for a period before getting your child baptised and offer baptism preparation to help you be ready to make the promises.
Anyone living in St George’s Parish is welcome to have a christening here (if you’re not sure which is your parish, you can find out here). You can also have a christening here if you live outside the parish if you already have a family connection with the church. If you’re thinking about getting your child christened at St George’s please get in touch so we can discuss this with you
We have dates set aside in the year specially for christening services. For 2024 they are:
17th March
21st April
12th May
30th June
14th July
22nd September
20th October

Adult Baptism
Whenever it happens, whether as a baby, child or adult, baptism is at the heart of an amazing journey of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. You are never too old to take this step, and being baptised as an adult is a wonderful experience.
You may have been baptised at a christening when you were a child or in a different Christian tradition, and there are always special ways to renew the promises that were made then in a fresh way as you discover more about what it means to live them out in your life.
Please get in contact with us if you’re interested exploring getting baptised as an adult.